Sports Premium Funding

At Welton, in PE, the children are provided well-structured lessons in dance, gymnastics, athletics and games taught by teachers and PE experts. Throughout the year the children have the opportunity to experience these different aspects of the PE curriculum, build skills and knowledge about the PE curriculum area and find out which parts of physical education they enjoy. Throughout the year children are given the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting competitions with other schools in the local area. These competitions give the children a sense of pride as they represent their school and can show their true potential in a sporting activity.

CLICK HERE to read our PE progression of key skills document

Physical education at Welton allows children to work alone and in teams while evaluating their own and other’s performance in a respectful manner to help every child improve. Alongside physical skills childrenat our school develop positive attitudes with regards to the idea of fair play and respect for others which are transferrable when working in other areas of the curriculum.Sport and Physical Activity have played a huge part in our successes this year. We have utilised our Sports Premium funds to raise standards, participation and enjoyment levels in sport, physical activity and health for ALL pupils.

CLICK HERE to read the impact of our 2022-2023 funding

CLICK HERE to read how our funding in 2023-2024 will be spent

So far, our additional funding has been spent on the following:

  • Provide high quality sporting opportunities for all
  • Provide children with sports they have not experienced before e.g archery, lacrose, handball, street dance, yoga, ice skating...
  • Mentoring vulnerable children through sport
  • High quality sports coaches to support curriculum learning for staff and pupils
  • Runday Monday initiative to motivate and increase physical activity for staff and children during summer months
  • Provide extracurricular sports for parents e.g. boot camp
  • A wide range of sports clubs for all pupils
  • Training for all staff using ‘Up and Under Sports’ specialist coaches
  • Development of children as Play Leaders to run and organise lunchtime activities
  • Lunchtime adult play leaders to model effective play with the lunchtime team
  • Participate in community sporting events e.g. fun runs, may pole, football tournaments, gymnastics, Dance Umbrella...
  • Develop physical confidences through outdoor learning
  • Develop First FUNS sporting curriculum including PDM to launch and develop
  • Invest in new PE kits for all pupils representing the school at sporting events
  • The lunchtime team have been given appropriate training on how to engage children in sport throughout lunchtimes.
  • '5 a Day' resource. This is an interactive programme that allows the children to participate in five minutes of aerobic activities within the classroom.
  • SEND interventions for those children with fundamental movement problems eg. catching and throwing, balance etc
  • School visits to use local secondary school and university facilities
  • Sporting professionals (physiotherapists and nutritionists) as well as visiting sports people have provided inspirational talks.


Sport Support

We really enjoy sport and physical activity here at Welton however we know that movement and activity can be tricky for some. We really like this information sheet with links to videos and activities for children from the Youth Sports Trust CLICK HERE TO VIEW.