School governing bodies consist of appointed and elected governors.
Information regarding governance in the MNSP can be found here:
A full list of Welton Primary School governors can be found here.
If you have a concern that you feel cannot be resolved with the teachers or head teacher, you are welcome to send a confidential letter to the Chair of Governors.
The chair of governors is Mrs Sarah Lemmon. To contact Mrs Lemmon, please email the clerk to governors via the school:
Governor details and register of interests can be found here.
Our scheme of delegation can be read here.
Quorum for Full Governors’ Meeting is 4.
Officers and committees will remain in post throughout the academic year. Members may resign during that time by notifying the Clerk to the Governors in writing, following which replacement Governors, Officers and Committee Members will be elected or appointed or co-opted by the full Governing Body as appropriate.
SEND Governor: Sarah Hooke
Safeguarding Governor: Sarah Lemmon