School Improvement Plan

Each year we work hard on the issues that matter most. Through analysis of data, conversations with teachers, children, governors, parents and other stakeholders together with analysis of surveys and quesionnaires, we produce a School Improvement Plan that highlights in detail the key focus areas for the school and provides both ourselves and the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Trust with a clear overview of current priorities that can be worked on together. This is then reviewed in December, March and July and actions agreed for the following term. We pride ourselves at Welton in ensuring everyone is involved and is clear about the work that we do. For this reason we believe it is important that parents and visitors to this website can also engage in our plans so if you would like to see a copy of this year's plan, please make contact. Many thanks. 

In 2024-2025 our main school improvement priorities are:

  • Further improve the quality and consistency of classroom teaching across the school.

  • Continue to evolve the teaching of mathematics to a mastery approach, enabling all pupils to reach their full potential and beyond.

  • Develop Reading for Pleasure as a school, including a literature spine.

  • Continue curriculum development and personalisation to Welton, including improving recap and recall of knowledge across the curriculum and how we assess this.

  • Continue to refine our SEND and provision for disadvantaged children to ensure all children have the very best opportunities to succeed.

  • Develop and grow our pupil school leadership teams.

  • Further develop the EYFS curriculum to ensure it is planned, taught and developed to ensure children are school ready with a particular focus on language development.

  • Continue to prioritise school attendance and support for families to ensure children are in school on time every day.