
Whilst the prime focus of Welton Primary School is to secure the best educational provision for children, the school believes that the safety, welfare and care of children is paramount. We are therefore committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted into our care at all times. 

At Welton Primary School, all staff are responsible for the safeguarding and protection of children. The following senior leaders are our safeguarding leads:

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): John Snell
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Phil Lyle
  • Nominated Safeguarding Governor: Sarah Lemmon

As part of the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership, we follow the agreed Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which can be read here.

We also have our own local safeguarding procedures which can be read here.

All school staff are Child Protection trained and the school community use MyConcern online reporting system for recording and monitoring any safeguarding concerns. We also work closely with a number of agencies to support our community and all staff receive training and updates throughout the school year.

The school ensures that actions required from the latest DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education publication are followed.